Tuesday, 31 March 2009


My feet are killing me, stupid new school shoes ¬¬
It's the end of the school term in under like 3 days! Then we're off for 2 weeks! I'm so excited.
Gonna be amazing.
Me and Cameron are gonna have best friend tieemss and watch disney movies at each others houses ;D

Times are good.

Saturday, 28 March 2009


And we is having a ballllllllllll.
We were gonna go into town but then it was like pouring down with rain and I was like NONO.
So I had to wake up early this morning to go to the optictions, get my passport photo done and then bought new school shoes.

So we have just been hanging on msn, while singing to the likes of Chris Brown and such. Then my neighbour and his annoying little brother came over and they were funfun.

And now Kate and I are having a sleepoverrrrr, filled with Studio Ghibli(:

Friday, 27 March 2009

So my day yeah

Anyway, today was boringboring.

I thought it was Saturday when I woke up this morning and I was really happy and then I realised it was Friday ¬¬
First I had P.E and we did badminton which was okay got a bit boring after a while. Then I had English and I had to rush my first draft of an essay for a novel we read in the lesson and it's for my coursework ¬¬
Then I had Psychology and I literally felt like falling asleep cause we watched this real boring video and URGH.

I keep hurting myself lately! I hit my hand really hard on my bunk bed and now I have a big bruise on my finger and my little finger keeps throbing and twitching I think I jammed a nerve or something ):

Well it's the weekend now! Probably not going to do anything that different/great.
I'm well proud, thankyou.

ANYWAAAAAAYYY, I'm going to eat! Aurevoir xxx

Thursday, 26 March 2009


i'm so annoyed ¬¬

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


I thought I didn't save that last post and I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOONONONOOO.
But I did >.<


I really have nothing to update on to be honest.
Things seem a little shit right now, I acted like a complete bitch in Media and just didn't feel nice. But on the brightside I have NO coursework to do.
But right now I'm so bored, I've never been this bored well for a long time anyway. I think it's cause Cameron isn't online.

I just sat here and was ready to type something and now I've forgotten ¬¬

Right so yesterday I had my injection and it was like a pin prick and it was over but now my arm is aching and will do for another day or so -.-

ON THE 27TH JUNE I'm going to THORPE PARK with Theaaaaaa.
I'm well excited! Gonna go on loads of rides and it's like yaaay!
And on the 16th April I'm going to see Pink in concert ;D;D And I'm proper excited for that too!
I will be having good times.

Well today was pretty shite and normal like, but I realised how much I missed Kate today. I must have a weekend with her tbh.


Tuesday, 24 March 2009


updated in a while.
Sorry, I will update properly tomorrow sometime.

C.M, N.W, K.E, T.M + R.C

Sunday, 22 March 2009

I hate

how I will always be second best to you.
I was there for you through everything and I'm second best to whatever new hoe you have.
Now whatever I tell you is gonna get to her and she is the biggest gossip I know. I actually can't deal with this jealously.
I want you all to myself, your mine. ):


Saturday, 21 March 2009


Today was so strange, just a big mix of emotions and people.
Well I woke up feeling complete shit. Went into town with Thea, Nikki and Thea. Met Jackson and Amelia and then went to the park.
The weather was so gorgeous.

We went up the hill to see who was there and no one was so we went to eat and do other stuff then came back and the was a moutain of people!
People I haven't seen in a long time!
So I said hi to a lot of people.

Then we laid down on the grass, soaking up the sun all peaceful but then loads of people came over, to chat and shizz.
So we just sat with a big group of people, I felt like shit cause of someone, probably can guess guys. So I asked Thea to come have a walk with me and we went down the really posh, pretty part of the park while listening to Bloc Party and it was beautiful. But I was talking to Thea about why I felt like shit and I felt like crying.

Then we came back and Cameron was really smashed and he stayed for us for a little while we sat together for a little while, he said to me 'hold my hand so I feel safe' it was adorable so I did and looked after him for a while.

Then he went somewhere and I said hi to Brandon, Rob and shouted hi at Ollie.
Then we went a bit down the hill. Jackson was sitting with us and then these chavs/greebos who have a bone to pick with him came on the hill and we thought everything was fine and they will leave him alone.
Then one of them came over and went 'which one is Jackson' and asked him to say sorry to these people, so he did.
We thought everything was fine and sat down again but then a guy came over and said 'why were you staring at me' and Jackson was like 'No I wasn't' and they wouldn't drop and then they got up in his face and pushed him to the ground. I was just standing there like omgomgomg what do I do, while Thea, Nikki and Kate were crying.
It was truely horrible they threatened to kick his head in and kicked him a few times. There was so many people around but only this boy Mattie stuck up for him and I had so much respect for him after that.
It was horrible though and we all got out of the park all in tears. And Jackson went home.
Then me, Nikki, Thea, Kate and Mattie were left and it was well nice. We just thought 'fuck it' and went back to the park we saw them again but they didn't do anything and sat for ages just chatting and it was amazing.
Then I came home and felt shit again, cause of something.


This morning

I woke up feeling like complete and utter shite and I have no idea why.
I was in the the worst mood, considering I was in a brilliant mood last night it was well strange.

I've realised the song Broken-hearted Girl by Beyonce, relates completely to the situation I used to be in.
'You're the only one I wish I could forget.
The only one I love not to forgive.
And though you break my heart.
You're the only one.

And though there are times when I hate you 'cause I can't erase.
The times that you hurt me and put tears on my face.
And even now while I hate you it pains me to say.
I know I'll be there at the end of the day.'

They are so true, exactly what I felt like. I'm glad it's all over.
Mmmmm, I hope today will be okay :/

Friday, 20 March 2009

Cause if I got you,

I don't need money, I don't cars.
Aaawww I love Chris Brown (L)

Well it's the weekend nowwww :D:D:D
I'm so excited just to be able to stay up late tonight and wake up late tomorrow and get to go out and lay on a lovely hill.
I just love weekends.

Tomorrow I think me and my bestests are meeting a few people, I don't really want to but oh well.
I'm having chinese tonight and I'm well excited about it, LOLOLOLOL.

LOLOL, like 2 mintues ago I was downstairs in my blue, cow pjs. They are a tad embarassing and I was dancing to Girls Aloud >.<
Then this really cool boy I used to be friends with was doing his paper round and he saw me and I just went 'OH SHIT' and jumped behind a door, so he wouldn't see me >.<
Oh dear lord that was embarassing, LOLOL.
Oh well!

Anyway tonight I don't really feel like doing anything, might just stay up late on here tbhhhh. (:


Thursday, 19 March 2009


today was average.
I had to get home real fast in time for my hair cut and now I can actually see through my fringe!
Urggghhh I have my injections next week and I'm well scared, I hate them so much ): But if I don't have them I may die so I'd rather have them, aahhah.
Well today I had, Psychology which I nearly fell asleep in and got annoyed with the boy I sit next to.
Then I had Science where I did literally nothing, I couldn't be arsed.
And then I had maths which flew by and I actually concentrated in it, so it's all good.
Yaaaaaaay, Skins tonight and then it's Friday tomorrow AND THEN it's the weekend! I actually can't wait for it to be honest. School sucks at the moment!
I think I will just do some lazing around on Saturday in theee park and then it's Mothers day on Sunday!


Wednesday, 18 March 2009


was well nice.
I am actually over him and I feel happier and stronger than ever.
I haven't been crying at all, except at Desperate Housewives earlier which was well sad!
I found out today that this girl I don't like fancies Cameron, but he doesn't like her like that and I'm like SHAME.
I know I don't like him like that but he is still my Cameron, my best friend. She can back off.
I'm such a jealous person LOLOL.
So yeah, my day has been lovely and I can't wait for the weekend. I want the sun please and some lazing in the lovely park! ;D


Tuesday, 17 March 2009

I was thinking earlier

as I was in the car on the way home from School, as I was looking at these really pretty, new flats. How maybe I could actually if I tried to save up the money live in one of those flats.
I've decided thats where I wanna be for a while.
It's beautiful, has a balcony and I could look on my lovely town of Ipswich, when it's getting dark and it's by the harbour which is lovely.
It will be gorgeous and as the British economy at the moment is shite, the price will have been lowered so people will buy them! So hopefully, YES!
But thinking about my future is really starting to scare me. I think school is hard at the moment, things don't get easier!
I'm lucky I don't have to worry about bills and work.

Urgh, I'm much happier as it is right now listening to Henry Homesweet (L)


Time for

change, just a tiny bit of it.
I've decided I have to stop looking for him and wondering what he is doing. I need to stop thinking of him in that way.
I was so desperate last night that I searched 'ways to get over a boy' in google, it was actually a bit useful.
But I still can't stand the thought of him not being there. So it will take a while.

I'm sorry to, two of my followers and whoever else, who hopefully reads this >.<
That I never stop posting about him, I'm so bad. I hope things will just get better. Which they will, I'm determined for it to get better.

So today was quite a boring day. Nothing really to update on.

Recently my best friends parents split :/ Which is real sad, her Father fell in love with someone else, saddly. Her Mother really doesn't deserve any of this to be honest. I saw him this morning and it was so strange. He broke a lovely ladies heart, I actually hate him for it. So does Nikki and I think she is gradually getting used to it. I really do feel for her, as my parents split too. It's never nice but it does get better. Big love for my best friend at the moment (L)

So yes, I really have nothing else to say!
Just FOLLOW ME >.<


Monday, 16 March 2009


well yes, I'm basically crying over him still.
I need to get over him, it's too hard for me. I want to completely cut him out of my life and say goodbye to him forever but that involves loosing him, which I could never ever do.
I hate how much of a mess I have become over this one boy.
He takes me for granted and sometimes I really feel he doesn't give a shit if I was there or not.
Really time to stop this whole charade.

On a brighter note, 1 month till I see Pink! In concert ;D

Thursday, 12 March 2009

I haven't post for

what it feels like ages, they other day I tried to put the photo's from the party up but it wouldn't let me ¬¬
SO anyway nothing interesting really happened, I've just been so bored and I don't know what to do with myself.
I'M SO ANGRY AS WELL, well I told my friend some stuff and trusted her and then she goes and destroys the trust and she knows how jealous I can be. Urgh I just can't believe it.
I can't be arsed.
I just want to shower and then go to bed, but I need to revise for this thing for school and pick what I'm gonna wear for red nose day tomorrow -_____-

URGH, Jessica isn't in a great mood.

Monday, 9 March 2009


Yesterday I went to town again with Cameron, Eliott, Maddi, Kate, Nikki and Pia.
I had an amazing time(: Now I miss Cameron so very much.
So bring on this weekend! ^^


Saturday, 7 March 2009

Well helloooo

Well yesterday now was bleeding lovely!
I went into town with Cameron, Gryphen, Thea, Nikki, Anthony and Jackson. We went to our local park while Cam and Anthony got pissed. I got annoyed and fucked off cause there was too many people and it was crowded.
Then after a couple of hours I came back to find only Cam and Gryph there and it was lovely then onwards.
I've really fallen for him (L) He didn't stop cuddling me and held my hand and just sent me the cutest of texts. ARGH.
Then I went to Stephanie's party, pictures will be up later of that! ;D
It was pretty good, I was just too tired to do anything! >.<


Friday, 6 March 2009


Well today it's a year since my other Nan died, I really feel for my Grandad. I love him too pieces. I wasn't really that close to my Nan but I knew she was a kind loving woman who tried anything to help someone out. I did love her and I still do.

Sometimes I just remember memories with my Nan and Grandma. I always remember how my Grandma used to laugh and that fish face she put on when she wasn't happy. I really do miss both of them so very much. I do wish they would just come back. But it's not that easy is it!
Hopefully one day I'll see them up there and I hope they're saving big hugs for me.

Anyway, that was sad and Thea just text me saying she isn't coming in ¬¬.
So that means we won't be together AGAIN. Oh wells, hopefully on the weekend!

I really need to buy Stephanieeee a card, I also need a new school bag and shoes. Cause they have both broken -_______-
Why is it always me and why all of it at once!

Anyway I'm off to school!(: x

Thursday, 5 March 2009

So yeaaahh

It's 2am and it's a school night! Oh shizzz monkeys how am I gonna get up in a few hours >.<
Well once again I was feeling a bit down about boys AGAIN, so I decided to watch The Notebook a really sad film cause I felt like having a good cry and it was the SADDEST film I've EVER watched. It was so good as well but the ending was like D:
And I couldn't stop crying for ages, but it got everything out and now I feel muchmuch better.
I just watched the new Skins episode on 4oD and it was so good (L)

School has been mayhem lately, all this coursework and the school days just seem to get longer and longer. I also have been getting a few tests, I had a Psychology one today and I know I failed it was so hard! But I've got all of my coursework outta the way for now and I WILL be updating more often!

Yeah so this boy problem, he seems to talk to a lot girls but he is real sweet, I don't know what to think of him, I miss him. I want him, but I don't want him. I'm so indesicive, I wouldn't have the chance of getting him anyway as I'm a paranoid, little bitch who is not to mention real shy. Oh well, I'll try and see the brightside of this situation and there always is one.

Mates right now it feels strange, it feels like I haven't seen them for a while. When I walked home with Nicole like a few (now a lot) of hours ago and I saw Rachael and Kate at school.
I miss everyone, we're all drifting apart. Not all of us have been together at school on the same day for like a week now. So hopefully if Thea and Rach come in we can be a whole AGAIN ;D

Well, nowadays I keep thinking about if I'm going to College or Sixth Form. To be honest I'm more interested in college, but I think my Father is expecting me to do Sixth Form and then go onto University, to explore what I could do as my Father says, but I'm really really not smart at all to do University, I'm like average sometimes even below and URGH. I really don't know, are you they any different? Which one is better? This is all so confusing.
OH YEAH, I mentioned my work experience thingy like a couple of weeks ago, I found out I got the Library! My first option >.< And I'll be having a meeting with my new 'Boss' for the two weeks, in the next month or so? I'm gonna be well nervous.

Anyway I better be off to bed, I'm really not gonna get up. I know it.
To anyone who read the rant, congratulations and THANKS ;D Nighttt xxxx

I haven't posted in a whilewhile

Basically school is like SGYIVBGRSHFGSEHKB and I do have a social life!
Yes anyway, on the weekend it's my good friend Stephanie's party and I'm well excited going to catch up with a lot of people I've missed! On sunday I'm having a lovely picnic with my besties! ^-^
Not doing anything tomorrow night and saturDAY, so I don't know what to do D:
Anyway I must go do coursework and other social things I do ;D

Monday, 2 March 2009

I was pondering

Why do such rude and obscene acts that we only speak of in conditional terms make us humans love another human so much?

I haven't posted in a while

Okaaaaaay, so I have excuses.
Busy with school work and such and I went to North Norfolk this weekend.
I will update later onnnnnnn!