Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Friendships and Hardships.

Breathe in, breathe out. Let's do something different.
Inspirational lyrics.

Makes me want to go out and do more. Be free, stop going to the old park and town. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
Let's get all the pennys we have together and go on a train to a new town and meet new people.
Create new friendships and love. But also keeping the old relationships in the process.

Memories that will last till our days of pensions and walking sticks.
New love that will have a lasting impact on the rest of your life for the good.
Friends that will do anything for you, all the cliches you can think of.

Just don't let go, of all the memories and connections with have now, cause in the future we will be making new ones with maybe you or different people. We may forget because our brains are so little we can't squeeze all these amazing memories in one little organ.

Am I making sense?

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