Sunday 12 April 2009


Hope everyone is having a lovely easter time so far!

Well yesterday I went to town with Cameron, Kate, Thea + Anthony.
Cameron decided to get drunk on beer. I was pissed off and hungry so we got some burger king and then we came back sat in the shade on the bottom of the hill as it was real sunny, Mattie, Jherek and Jack came along and talked to us for like ages. Mattie kept throwing grass down Thea's dress cause he's a pervy flirter (I love him really)
Then Sam came over and told me Cameron punched him in the face and told him to leave me alone, I really don't like him >.<
Then Cameron called me really drunk and was like 'Where are you?!'
And I was like 'We're only down the bottom of the hill'
He said 'Well come up here now!'
And I was like 'Why?'
He said 'Cause I don't know where you are and ARGH'

So I went up the top of the hill and sat next to Cameron, he kept falling over and he made his bad hand bleed again so he could put blood on my white, cleanish shoes ¬¬
But I let him cause he's my best friend ^^

We decided to go to get more food, me and Cameron had a conversation about who should die first out of the two of us. He made me pinky promise that I won't die.
Then I met my spider friend Harry and played with him for ages while Cameron was trying to sober up but failed. He burnt some kids hair with his lighter (by accident) and punched some guy in the face.
It was a bit funny.

Near the end of the day, some people called Mattie up and told him they wanted to beat him up, but nothing happened. Cameron climbed a tree and couldn't get down and then it was our que to go.

Then I got home, was gonna go round Cameron's house couldn't. So I was megaaa bored, so Mattie called me and keep sending me links to lesbian porn ¬¬
But he found it funny.

Well that's the end of it.
I probably bored you, but this is for my sake so I can remember the good times as well.

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