Thursday 9 April 2009


So to update on my holidays!
On Tuesday, I went to town again with Kate and Thea. We sat at the park and then we saw Mattie walking by himself so we were like come over here silly! And he was telling us how he had a fight with his Mother and so he spent the day with me and it was real lovely.
Then we went to asylum, which isn't as good as indie but was really good. But there was a few fights with the same people that hurt my friend Jackson ¬¬
Punch this poor guy in the face and broke his nose! They need to sort themselves out. But I saw a few people I love, Cameron was there and he was enjoying came and danced with us as well. I called him an idiot cause he was wearing someone's hat >.< And he picked me up and spun me round lots scared the shit out of me xD
Here is a photo of us guys in the Asylum toilets:

Then on Wednesday I met up with Cameron, Thea, Kate, Maddi & Gryphen. Was a beautiful sunny day with lots of people in the park which was amazing. Cameron was told to hurt his hand real bad so he punched anything and everything in the park. I don't exactly know why? But it was funny, he thought he broke his finger though, it was just swollen in the end.
That night I had Thea & Kate over for a sleepover which was fun tiemss, we stayed in bed till 3pm the next day and then went into town for like 2 hours. Saw Cameron, Mattie, Jack and some other people. Cameron was lovely today came and talked to us lot, a lot today. Even though he took the laces out of my shoes ¬¬

And tonight I plan to stay up as late as I can and then lay in till late late tomorrow. GOOD PLAN, I think so (Y)

That was a big update! S'all goodddd, I'll update again soon!
Byee x

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